Tuesday, September 20, 2011

7 Sci-Fi Weapons from Tomorrow Are Here Today.


Laser Death Ray - Vaporizing things adn folks.

Railguns, which use electrical energy instead of gun powder to fire projectiles at very high speeds, destroying their targets with kinetic energy. range, as much as 200 to 250 miles

Invisibility Cloak - in 2007, they coated a tank in silicon, turning it into something like a movie screen.
Video cameras on the tank take footage of the tank’s environment in real time and project the images on the surface of the tank. Voila, an invisibility cloak of sorts

X-Ray Vision - looks like an oversize cell phone and weighs 3.5 pounds, is designed to detect motion and can pick up people more than 20 feet away though eight-inch concrete slabs
Larger weighs 6 pounds, is designed to penetrate the ground and can detect people in tunnels and buried explosives at depths greater than 10 feet.

Top 10 Space Weapons. Metal Streams, Laser Energy Beams, Electromagnetic Pulse, Microsatellites, Manipulated Asteroid.


"MAHEM" (Magneto Hydrodynamic Explosive Munition - stream of molten metal at incredible speed -

Directed-energy weapons DEW utilize lasers, high-powered microwaves, and particle beams. Projects in development by the US have names like Airborne Laser, the Active Denial System, and the Tactical High Energy Laser

"parasitic microsatellite - designed to attach itself to other satellites to destroy or damage them

ICBM - in the 1950's the US Air Force planned to detonate a nuclear bomb on the moon. At the time, an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) carrying a nuclear warhead possessed the capability to reach the moon

EMP/HEMP - High-altitude weapons using electromagnetic energy may destroy and disrupt electronic and electrical devices, causing a burst of electromagnetic radiation (electromagnetic pulse, or EMP) to produce current and voltage surges.

Manipulating an orbiting asteroid - Could an orbiting asteroid be manipulated to smash down on an enemy target on Earth? It's possible, but doesn't seem like an efficient way of doing battle

This is How False Flag is Done: U.S. Cannot Account for Nuclear Material Shipped Overseas

Report: U.S. Cannot Account for Nearly Three Tons of Nuclear Material Shipped Overseas

A new report has found the U.S. government cannot account for nearly three tons of nuclear material it has shipped overseas.

According to the Government Accountability Office, the United States cannot confirm the whereabouts of some 5,900 pounds of highly enriched uranium and separated plutonium, enough material to make dozens of nuclear weapons.

The United States relies on foreign nations to track the material once it is shipped overseas, but according to the GAO, nearly half of the international sites mandated to hold the dangerous material fail to meet International Atomic Energy Agency security guidelines.

Is there a black nuclear market? It would probably be high margins.

Geiger Counter Numbers, How Bad is Bad? Radioactivity Raw Information Overview.


also http://www.radiationnetwork.com/ . Alert is 100 CMP.


I do not know about gamma levels but I’ve researched beta levels extensively now.

30-60 CPM is the “normal” range in the U.S.

The EPA regards anything 3X background as a potential immediate health risk for emergency responders and considers 300 CPM the level at which emergency responders are required to take protective action. (I found an EPA guide for emergency responders for all kinds of “accidents”)

These levels do not cause radiation sickness but increase cancer risks and risks for other radiation-related or exacerbated conditions/illnesses


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