Thursday, November 17, 2011

Meet the nano-spiders: The DNA robots that could one day be walking through your body


Scientists have created microscopic robots out of DNA molecules that can walk, turn and even create tiny products of their own on a nano-scale assembly line.

The ground-breaking devices outlined in the journal Nature, could one day lead to armies of surgeon robots that could clean human arteries or build computer components.

War Is a Force That Pays the 1 Percent: Occupying American Foreign Policy

It's clear that the interests of the majority of people in this country do not align with the military-industrial complex who put corporate profiteering based on destruction ahead of the needs of people,

If the last decade was the era of occupations that everyone called liberations, then the 99 percent movement is seeking to make this the era of liberations everyone calls occupations.

conservative estimates are that 60 % of men and 40 % of women will have an extramarital affair


infidelity now affects one out of every 2.7 couples.


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