Sunday, September 4, 2011

Economic Treason by the Elite : USA in long term decline? It would take 12 years, best case.


In order to return employment to pre-recession levels, U.S. now needs to create 12.4 million jobs.

That's 180,000 more than just last month, and that number will only go up as the population continues to grow

It would take 12.5 years to reach pre-recession employment levels assuming the country started creating jobs at the same rate during the best job-growth years of the 2000s.

In other words, this problem will be with the country from some time yet.

Cynthia McKinney’s report on Libya. Nato US/UK/France war crimes. Usual imperial suspects.

ever since the Spanish-American War, the American media has been complicit with the imperialist war aims of the U.S. government. Recent examples she cited included the propaganda leading up to the Vietnam War, the Gulf War and the war in Iraq.

>my rem: Nato war crimes. Violent quest for oil. THe more Arab oil countries US captures, the more expensive gas in US gets, strangely, or not.
It's the cartels abusing the world. hell on earth, genocide


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