bomb, attack, colonise the country, steal oil, steal money. capitalism in action.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
NATO Prepares Global War – Russian and Chinese Military on Highest Alert. Capitalist World War III on All Continents

'At the International Security Conference (ISC) in Munich, 2007, Vladimir Putin warned western leaders, that the unprecedented aggressive expansion of NATO has brought the world more close to a third world war than it has ever been before.
This stern warning came years before NATO´s aggression against Libya and it´s undeclared war in Syria and Pakistan.
Following the recent deployment of US troops to Uganda, and military threats directed against Pakistan, the armed forces of NATO, Russia and China have never been as close to open and all out conflict as today.
A recent and sobering report of the Russian Intelligence Service FSB, details the fact that the USA and NATO are currently planning and actively preparing for all out war on all continents.
Recession Taking Toll On Young Adults. Wild Capitalism Deep Crisis. Lost Generation, Economic Disaster.
Nationwide, employment among young adults 16-29 stood at 55.3 percent, down from 67.3 percent in 2000 and the lowest since the end of World War II.
Also a rebound in the foreign-born population to 40 million, or 12.9 percent, the highest share since 1920.
Most immigrants continue to be low-skilled workers from Latin America, with growing numbers from Asia also arriving on the bet that U.S. jobs await. An estimated 11.2 million immigrants are here illegally.
In all, the employment-to-population ratio for all age groups from 2007-2010 dropped faster than for any similar period since the government began tracking the data in 1948.
In the past year, 43 of the 50 largest U.S. metropolitan areas continued to post declines in employment, led by Charlotte, N.C., Jacksonville, Fla., Las Vegas, Phoenix, Los Angeles and Detroit, all cities experiencing a severe housing bust, budget deficits or meltdowns in industries such as banking or manufacturing.
About 1 in 4 families with children is headed by single mothers, a record high.
Among young families with a head of household younger than 30, the poverty rate jumped from 30 percent in 2007 to 37 percent.
In contrast, poverty remained at a low 5.7 percent for families with a head of household 65 or older
The number of households receiving food stamps swelled by 2 million to 13.6 million, meaning that nearly 1 in 8 receives the government aid.
The highest shares of recipients are in Oregon, Tennessee, Michigan, Kentucky and Mississippi. Among households receiving food stamps, more than half have children.
Meet Big Soda - as Bad as Big Tobacco. Sodas, high corn fructose syrup, leading contributors to obesity, diabetes in Usa.

Soda, which is loaded with sugar primarily in the form of high fructose corn syrup, is a leading contributor to the rising rates of obesity, diabetes, heart disease and other chronic diseases facing Americans.
Drinking soda is in many ways worse for you than smoking, and it is only because of massive marketing campaigns from the industry that these sugary beverages are deemed acceptable for our most vulnerable members of society – our kids.
In the 21st century there would indeed be an uproar if tobacco companies attempted to target our kids, but the soda companies do it everyday.