Supreme Court, represents a radical fringe, not the grand majority of Americans. So now, thanks to this Court, corporations can fund their candidates without limits, floodgates to usher in a new tsunami of corporate money and corruption into politics opens.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
BAD: Supreme Court's Decision Kills Campaign Finance Reform
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
History of Haiti colonization, oppression, poverty - USA and France. Haiti is the first non-slave state of Americas.
The earthquake devastation in Haiti has been directly contributed to by the state of impoverishment in the country.
Obviously, general underdevelopment, poorly constructed buildings, congestion and a lack of disaster preparedness have a lot to do with the terrible figures of those injured and the dead in Haiti’s case.
Preacher Robertson mentioned ''pact with satan'' as a cause of current devastating tragedy of Haiti.
Did he mean pact with diabolical empires that has kept Haiti in penury and vulnerable to the ravages of nature and a heartless global capitalist regime?
Haiti’s slaves, most being indigenous Africans, defeated the French in a fight for independence in 1804 thus effectively becoming the first non-slave republic in the Americas.
Haiti’s liberation and the subsequent France reparation demands ensured Haiti never gained a solid economic footing.
Even worse, immediately after the 1804 revolution, the US refused to recognize Haiti because being a country that depended on slave labour it clearly couldn’t acknowledge a country of free slaves; thus Haiti was subjected to a devastating economic embargo by France and the US, sanctions that lasted 60 years and were only ended in 1863.
The US occupied and ruled Haiti by force from 1915 to 1934.
For 19 years, the US controlled customs in Haiti, collected taxes, and ran many governmental institutions.
It is not clear how many billions were bilked from Haiti by the US during this forced occupation.
From 1957 to 1986 Haiti was governed by US backed right wing despots "Papa Doc" and "Baby Doc" Duvalier, support for these dictators was premised on their supposed "anti-communist" leanings in total disregard to their cruelty and affront on the human rights of Haitians.
The Duvaliers’ corruption stacked up Haiti’s debts even further
IMF oppression - not a help
A little over 30 years ago Haiti was self sufficient in rice and sugar production.
Today the country has to import most of its rice as well as sugar, this is because Haiti was forced by the IMF and the World Bank to open its markets to the world allowing the US to dump millions of tons of US subsidized rice and sugar into Haiti’s markets hence putting local farmers out of business and consigning the country to being the third largest world market for US rice.
In 1991, Haiti got its first democratically elected president in the person of Jean-Bertrand Aristide.
In less than a year he was ousted by the CIA.
Curiously US-backed forces restored Aristide to power in 1994 under Pres Clinton, while starting another spell of US military occupation between 1994 and 2000.
Haiti is currently under UN occupation, has no formal army and Aristide has been banished to exile.
taken from :
How two criminal nations murdered 100,000 Haitians | The Smirking Chimpmy comment:
Great post!
The poverty, underdevelopment, violence in Haiti is a stunning reality in the face of a fact that Haiti is a US friend, with US economic and military presence and help.
Cuba is far and incomparably better off, and it is facing a total long term US economic embargo.
Perhaps wild capitalism cannot or will not help the nations to advance, develop, be free, independent and prosperous.
Haiti all news feed at
Audi Detroit show car previews the R4 sports car - looking good

Audi R4 - competition to Porsche Boxter and Cayman.

Sunday, January 17, 2010
Move Your Money out of big banks
People all over the country are choosing to move their money out of bigger banks and into smaller, community-oriented financial institutions that generally avoided the reckless investments and schemes that helped cause the financial crisis.
Fueled by the personal initiatives of thousands, it’s a grassroots effort that has the potential to shift power in the financial system away from Wall Street and to Main Street.
Find community banks in your neighborhood now! The banks listed have received a grade of “B” or above
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Obama staffer wants ‘cognitive infiltration’ of 9/11 conspiracy groups | Raw Story
Cass Sunstein, a Harvard law professor, co-wrote an academic article entitled "Conspiracy Theories: Causes and Cures," in which he argued that the government should stealthily infiltrate groups that pose alternative theories on historical events via "chat rooms, online social networks, or even real-space groups and attempt to undermine" those groups.
Sunstein's article, published in the Journal of Political Philosphy in 2008 and recently uncovered by blogger Marc Estrin, states that "our primary claim is that conspiracy theories typically stem not from irrationality or mental illness of any kind but from a 'crippled epistemology,' in the form of a sharply limited number of (relevant) informational sources."
By "crippled epistemology" Sunstein means that people who believe in conspiracy theories have a limited number of sources of information that they trust.
my comment:
911 is a controlled demolition, let it happen and make it happen, pretext for wars self inflicted wound inside operation. ..... This per irrefutable scientific evidence, and per common sense too.
I mean - have you seen the footage of WTC controlled demolition on 9/11? Towers pulverized with the speed close to free fall, 10 floors per second.
Nanothermite high military explosive was found on the site, just as pools of molten steel, burning for weeks.
Steel buildings, 3 at 1 day, cannot collapse pulverized unto itself as a consequence of office fires or airplane impacts.
We need new investigation. - - -
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Haiti Lies in Ruins; Grim Search for Untold Dead -
Haiti Lies in Ruins; Grim Search for Untold Dead. Parliament has collapsed. Tax office has collapsed. Schools, hospitals have collapsed. Churches. There are dead people inside in them. A catastrophe..
Power and phone service were out. Flights were severely limited at Port-au-Prince’s main airport, telecommunications were barely functioning, operations at the port were shut down and most of the medical facilities had been severely damaged, if not leveled.. “Port-au-Prince is devastated
BYD e6 EV goes 205 miles between charges, coming to the US in 2010
BYD e6 EV from China goes 205 miles between charges, coming to US 2010. Gas at $1/g.
Recharged from household outlet, regaining 50 % battery capacity in just 10 minutes. Battery contains fully recyclable chemicals only.
0-60 in 114sec, 87 mph top speed. Operating costs - "gas price" - should be a third of gas vehicle - cca $1 per gallon.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Octopus is dying? 5 senior associates of Henry Kissinger were killed on Dec 12, 2009, Kissinger himself is missing since and presumed dead,
according to senior intelligence sources. Texas law firm Troutman Sanders, which functioned as the central nexus of the Bush/Nazi crime families financial operations, has been shut down by Interpol.
The heads of the Bush clan have been put under house arrest and CIA chief Panetta has been silenced, the sources say. We are also hearing President Obama and Vice-President Biden will be removed from power and replaced by Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton possibly by late January 9/11 inside job
The Military-Industrial Compex is Ruining the Economy
Illegal Iraq war will cost $3-5 trillion dollars, has increased the threat of terrorism.
The Military-Industrial Compex is Ruining the Economy
Oliver Stone's 'Secret History' to put Hitler 'in context'
Will the series deal with 9/11 WTC attacks and reveal the 9/11truth? - 9/11 is controlled demolition inside let it happen and made it happen operation pretext for wars, self inflicted wound.
This per irrefutable scientific evidence., - - - -
Assassination of President Kennedy by military industrial complex - CIA secret elements with possible foreign collusion. Watch excellent factual video at -
This per irrefutable scientific evidence., - - - -
Assassination of President Kennedy by military industrial complex - CIA secret elements with possible foreign collusion. Watch excellent factual video at -
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Bankrupt California, wrong state budget for 'tough times'
Cutting any and all medical care for citizens without work and/or means is republican stupid, criminal, unwise, anti-business, immoral and violation of human rights.
the problem is $1 trillion military budget, completely unnecessary. it ought to but cut in half immediately.
the problem is distribution of wealth, of income, a massive defrauding via healthcare schemes, via various tax loopholes.
it is bloody wolf guarding the chickencoop - wild self destructive war capitalism.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Obama: 'Dots' Not Connected In Airline Attack

"Screw up ?!? ..that is exactly what they said /military, CIA, intelligence/ on 9/11 - and yes that is inside op controlled demolition/ .....
... gov failed to connect the dots?! to understand the intel that they did collect and have. ?? ....
Gross deadly failure to act, operate and work, or an intention? But possibly intentional failure and negligence to stop known terrorist sympathizer from boarding the plane. ....
CIA, military complex, need, from time to time, a pretext for war, to be attacked, so that huge sums of money can be spent on military, on security and intelligence apparatus, possibly creating new security bureaucracies, on deploying new expensive security related hardware. WAR IS PROFITS. Peace cannot prevail, it would be a disaster.
.... http://kru
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Michael Collins Piper Report, JFK assassination, Final Judgement,
JFK assassination missing link? Israel role? Final Judgment documents how Israel's leaders, the Mossad, the Meyer Lansky-run organized crime syndicate, and a pro-Zionist faction of the CIA colluded to assassinate President ,John F. Kennedy. The general pattern of the JFK covert operation, to include the skillful use of "limited hang-outs," "patsies," and "false flags," has very likely been repeated in various later forms such as in the assassination of Bobby Kennedy, the murder of Martin Luther King, the mysterious death of former CIA Director William Colby, the very suspicious Oklahoma City bombing, and the Mossad-linked "9/11 controlled demolition" of World Trade Center towers on September 11, 2001.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Yukon 9/11 Truth: " The evidence is there no matter how much you don't want it to be."
Yukon 9/11 Truth: " The evidence is there no matter how much you don't want it to be." Canadian 9/11Truth sites. Canada wants the truth. 9/11 controlled demolition let it made it happen inside operation pretext for wars.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
The Body Toxic - everyday things toxic hazards
Everyday toxics: soft-plastic toys: A new law banned six types of phthalates, linked to breast cancer, decreased sperm counts and birth defects, in soft plastic toys in 2008. Many phthalate-containing toys are still in kids' toy boxes...Canned food, including baby formula: Resin linings in most food and drink cans contain bisphenol A, an estrogen-
mimicking chemical linked to hormone disruption, reproduction and fertility problems, birth defects and prostate cancer.
Upholstered furniture: Brominated flame retardants used in foam cushions are associated with an array of negative effects, including permanent learning and
memory impairment. A pilot study showed a link between PBDEs and hyperthyroidism in house cats.
Nena Baker: Hazardous chemistry of everyday things.
Nena Baker: The Body Toxic. Hazardous chemistry of everyday things.
Phthalates in plastic; bisphenol A in food and beverage containers; flame retardants in furniture and perfluorinated chemicals in food wrappers.
Should we be concerned about the effects of these exposures on our health?
Powerful argument for urgent reforms to our nation’s notoriously toothless toxics laws, and a clarion for greener, cleaner chemicals in consumer products
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