Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Michael Collins Piper Report, JFK assassination, Final Judgement,

JFK assassination missing link? Israel role? Final Judgment documents how Israel's leaders, the Mossad, the Meyer Lansky-run organized crime syndicate, and a pro-Zionist faction of the CIA colluded to assassinate President ,John F. Kennedy. The general pattern of the JFK covert operation, to include the skillful use of "limited hang-outs," "patsies," and "false flags," has very likely been repeated in various later forms such as in the assassination of Bobby Kennedy, the murder of Martin Luther King, the mysterious death of former CIA Director William Colby, the very suspicious Oklahoma City bombing, and the Mossad-linked "9/11 controlled demolition" of World Trade Center towers on September 11, 2001.

Michael Collins Piper Report

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